Draft 2013 - Interview of Josh Hubner (P, Arizona State)"I am not a typical punter"

le 07/04/2013 à 23:35 par Thomas Savoja

For the third straight year, Footballamericain.com proposes a set of exclusive NFL prospect's interviews from all over the US. Here is Punter Josh Hubner from the University of Arizona State.


Josh Hubner
Josh Hubner

Footballamericain.com: Josh, first of all, I would like to warmly thank you for taking time to answer our questions. The French football fans will be delighted to have the opportunity to better know you before the coming Draft. Can you tell us how you will prepare for this event?

Josh Hubner:   A lot of hard work. Sometimes it's like being on an emotional roller coaster. It involves mostly mental preparation, making sure that you don't get too in over your head and thinking about it too much.  And when it comes down to it, I will leave it up to the teams to make a decision. 


Footballamericain.com: You have spent 2 years in the Scottsdale Community College before joining Arizona State University. Tell us more about your college journey. What are your best memories and achievements there?

Josh Hubner:  Probably getting All American my Senior Year, and being a national leader in punting average.



Josh Hubner
Josh Hubner

Footballamericain.com: From a more personal perspective, what did you learn from yourself after these years as a Sun Devil?

Josh Hubner:  Good things don't come easy.  If you're not willing to put in hard work, you're not going to have anything to show for it.  I also learned that I work well under pressure. 


Footballamericain.com: Your Coach Todd Graham calls you "without a doubt" the best punter the country, and you finished as a semifinalist for the Ray Guy Award. How are you able to maintain inspiration in such a specific position as punter all season long?

Josh Hubner:  Have patience, patience is big.  It's kind of a catch-22, because you want your team to succeed, but you also want to show off your stuff.  Whenever you go out onto the field, you want to make sure that you take full advantage of that opportunity.


Footballamericain.com: At 6-foot-4, 237 pounds and many tattoos on your both arms you do not look like a typical punter. Have you ever tempted to try big hits on a return or running the ball on play fakes?

Josh Hubner:  No, I would prefer to stay away from that kind of stuff.  But I'm the kind of person that if I have to lay a big hit or run a fakeFake
feinte. On parle de fake puntPunt
action utilisée en 4ème tentative et x yards à parcourir. Plutôt que de tenter les x yards, l'attaque choisit de botter le plus loin possible pour faire reculer son adversaire.
ou fake field goal. Tactique qui consiste à feinter la défense en lui faisant croire que l'on va effectuer un punt ou un FGField Goal (FG)
coup de pied à 3 points effectué le plus souvent en 4ème tentative quand l'attaque a été bloquée. Il est joué depuis l'endroit où la dernière action c'est achevée. En cas de réussite c'est 3 points et engagement. En cas d'échec, la possession change de camp mais il y a deux possibilités : avant le snapSnap
signal de départ de l'action, quand le centre transmet la balle au QB.
, la balle était à l'intérieur des 20 yards, on replacera alors la balle sur la ligne des 20 yards ou elle était placée au-delà des 20 yards, on la replacera au même endroit.
. En fait on joue une action normale.
, I'm glad to do it for the team.


Josh Hubner
Josh Hubner

Footballamericain.com: Let’s say a few words about Arizona State season. You have finished the year 8-5 including a significant Bowl victory versus Navy. How would you analyze it?

Josh Hubner:  We did well, but did not live up to our own expectations.  The team thought that they could have done better, but that's water under the bridge now, and they all have to work harder towards a better season next year.


Footballamericain.com: Playing in the PAC12, one of the best conferences in College Football should be very challenging and exciting every Saturday. What is the most intimidating place you have ever played in your college football career?

Josh Hubner:  I would probably say that Missouri was a pretty hostile environment.  The stadium is so big and the fans are pretty rowdy and loud.  It is tough to play there. 


Footballamericain.com: You had a very strong Senior season, finishing second in the nation and first in the conference with 47.1 yards per punt, including 22 of your 52 punts downed inside the 20. But how would you qualify your game? What are your strength and weaknesses?

Josh Hubner:  My strengths are hang timeHang Time
c'est le temps de vol de la balle sur un punt.
and distance, along with consistency.  My weakness is snap-to-kick time.  Overall, there is always room for improvement, but I'm relatively satisfied with where I presently stand going into the NFL.


Josh Hubner
Josh Hubner

Footballamericain.com: You have transitioned from a three-step punter to a two-step punter to improve his NFL stock. Can you explain what it means?

Josh Hubner:  It takes less time and less distance to get the ball off, thus putting yourself and your team in a better position to make a play on the ball.


Footballamericain.com: How intense is the training of a punter all season long. How are you improving your stamina and your precision?

Josh Hubner:  I'm not your typical punter, as you said earlier.  I like to workout with the linebackersLinebacker (LB)
joueur de la défense polyvalent qui constitue le 2ème rideau défensive.
and linemenLinemen
littéralement, les hommes de la ligne (de scrimmage). Il y a les linemen offensifs et les défensifs. Ils s'opposent dès le snap donné.
on the team.  I try and always work very hard off the field.  You definitely need to keep your lower body in good shape, violently swinging your leg as many times as you do per week as a punter.


Josh Hubner
Josh Hubner

Footballamericain.com: Punter is a very specific position on a Football squad, but what is the most existing moment on the field for you?

Josh Hubner:   Any time your team can pick up a turnover during a punt, when the returner fumblesFumble
quand le porteur du ballon laisse échapper celui-ci par maladresse ou suite à un choc. Le ballon est alors à terre mais vivant et c'est la 1ère équipe qui le ramasse qui en prend la possession. Avec les interceptions, le fumble est la seconde façon de rendre le ballon à l'adversaire. Ensemble, ils constituent des Turnovers (pertes de balle). C'est souvent cette stat. qui décide de l'issue de la rencontre.
, for example.


Footballamericain.com: Regarding the coming draft, what are your expectations? As a Punter, it’s becoming very challenging to be drafted these days isn’t it? What are you main competitors this year at that position?

Josh Hubner:  There's quite a few good guys in this year's draft.  You can only hope to take full advantages of all opportunities during the preparation period, and show your best.  That's the best way to put yourself in a great position, and possibly be drafted.


Footballamericain.com: Is there any particular NFL franchise you are rooting for and that you would love to join?

Josh Hubner:  No. Just about anybody who is willing to give me a shot, at this point.


Footballamericain.com: When you get your first professional paycheck what is the first thing you will buy?

Josh Hubner:  A lot of healthy groceries. 


Josh Hubner
Josh Hubner

Footballamericain.com: What have you mastered in College and what would be you plan after a long NFL career? 

Josh Hubner:  Food and nutrition management, and ideally post-football I would like to work in dietics in sports.  


Footballamericain.com: Tell us about your hobbies when you are off the field?

Josh Hubner:  Hunting, camping, and pretty much anything that involves the outdoors.  Also, spending time with my friends and family.


Footballamericain.com: A question for the French public: If I told you “France”, what comes to your mind?

Josh Hubner:  Soccer.  I love soccer.  I'm a big fan of PSG and Zaltan Ibrahimovic.


Footballamericain.com: Football is developing progressively in France and our Elite championship is attracting more and more ex NCAA DIV I players. What do you think of this trend?

Josh Hubner:  I think any time you have professional football anywhere, it's a good thing. It's a nationally renowned sport here, and the more it is played, the more it is going to be liked.


Footballamericain.com: Thanks a lot for your time and wish you all the best for the coming draft. Any mean to follow you through the internet.

Josh Hubner:  My Twitter handle at  @JoshHubner


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 Si Marc Bulger lance une interception dans un stade Sun Devil vide de tout spectateur, est-ce encore une interception ?  – Jeff Gordon, journaliste au Saint-Louis Post suite à un match face aux Cardinals

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